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Fashion | How To Style Culottes

Isobel Celine

Isobel Celine
Isobel Celine
Isobel Celine
Isobel Celine
Isobel Celine
Isobel Celine
Turtle Neck - Primark | Culottes - Primark | Boots - New Look | Jacket - Primark | Watch - New Look

Culottes! A piece I thought I would never (ever) thought I'd style up on the blog! I thought I would jump on the band waggon for the culottes trend as I've seen one of my favourite bloggers (Blonde Canvas) style up culottes several times and she gave me a fair bit of inspiration. Seeing as these culottes wear as little as £1! I just could not leave them. After a bit of umming and ahhing, I went back 3 days later after seeing them in the hope that they were still sat on the sale rail in my size. I ran (literally) into Primark straight to wear I remembered they were, with my two blogger pals (Little Moonshine & Beyond Me Beauty - owner of Zorehia Jewellery) trailing behind me, and squealed at the sight of these babies! I love how they are so tailored and perfect for the office - even though I don't work in an office! They were just something my wardrobe was crying for.

Culottes were something my lovely Mum used to wear and she inspired me to create this look as it reminds me of her office days she tells me about.

Seeing as it's Mother's Day tomorrow, I thought I would mention my beautiful mother who has always been there for me. I look at her every day and think, how kind she has been to me over the years, okay, yes every mother and daughter has their fallouts but that doesn't mean I love her any less. She is beautiful inside and out, through looks and personality. She also never fails to make me laugh with her hilarious humour. My Mum has to be one of the kindest people I have ever known and some people take that for granted. I hope my mum has a lovely day tomorrow and for her to know how much I love and appreciate everything she does for me. I am proud to have my Mum and I really don't know what I would do without her! I dedicate this blog post to my lovely, beautiful, kind-hearted Mum. <3
I also have to mention my fabulous Nan who I can talk to about absolutely anything. I can talk to her for hours on the phone or when I'm with her. We just talk for ages about anything and everything. I love my Nan as she is always there as well!

Have you heard of the song 'What A Wonderful World' by Louis Armstrong? Well, the reason for my mention of this song is because it is one of my Mum's favourite songs and I also think that this song really states the true meaning of life that the world really is wonderful! I know everyone has their good days and their bad days but we need to think positive and see where life takes us.

Thanks for reading beauts!

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