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Fashion | What I Wore On A Road Trip

Isobel Celine

Isobel Celine
Isobel Celine
Isobel Celine
Isobel Celine
Isobel Celine
Isobel Celine
Isobel Celine
Isobel Celine
Isobel Celine
Isobel Celine
 Jumper - New Look | Crochet Bralet - Primark | Jeans - New Look | Trainers - Nike | Rings - Primark & New Look | Necklace - Lyla Loves | Aviator Shades - Primark | Bag - Primark | Nails - Primark

Alohaaa everybody! Wow it's been a while since I greeted you with that hasn't it!? As you may know (if you follow me on Instagram & Twitter) you would of seen I spent a week in sunny Torquay (down south of the UK). It was a lovely week, especially weather wise! Everyday except the last was lovely and warm - despite the sea wind. I'll be splitting each day up into separate posts for you guys so that it's not all jumbled up into one post and bores the heck out of you. I, myself enjoy reading holiday posts, especially places I've never visited before. I hope you feel the same about this one!

As for my outfit, I felt the need to go half and half as I had no idea what the weather was going to be on the 5 hour drive down there. Jeans and trainers were and absolute must, especially these Nike Roshe Runs. They're brilliant for work outs, chilled out days, walking the dog and especially long car journeys. Jeans, obviously a great match with trainers and majorly comfortable for long journeys. A slouchy jumper that's super cosy was also my definite final choice of what to wear on the top of my crochet bralet. As a member of the female species, I understand how a bra can be quite annoying, so wearing a bralet, trust me it's a lot better to wear one of these for a long term journey.

My nails were not the best for staying on long term, but after continuously gluing them back on, they eventually stuck and when I wanted them off, it hurt to get them off. As for the design of them, *MERMAID ALERT* they are beautiful, but, the beautiful colour soon scraped off pretty quickly and they all turned white. It depends on how much you use your hands - as in wash them etc.

As I checked the weather forecast, for where I live and down in Torquay, it was horrible and rainy here and lovely and sunny down in Torquay, obviously my new aviator shades from Primark where a long journey essential! They were only £2 and have an awesome mirror effect as you will see in the pictures from the first day down below! Also headphones - also from Primark for only £4!! The quality, sound system and base of these headphone were freaking awesome! The bass isn't as powerful as Dr. Dre Beats but they are powerful enough for me - and that's coming from someone who listens to Rock, Pop and Dubstep type music! Headphones and a phone full of over 300 songs...just perfect. Especially when you just zone out from the world and concentrate on whats on the outside of the car and watch the scenery go by. Seriously, it's so relaxing!

*The below pictures are my own and were taken while driving and walking round Torquay Harbour and Town Centre*

UK Roads
Isobel Celine
Torquay Harbour
Torquay Harbour
Torquay Harbour
Torquay Harbour
Torquay Harbour
Torquay Harbour
Torquay Harbour
Torquay Harbour

As you can see, all around the City Centre there were palm trees. The area is classed as the English Riviera. I felt like I was abroad being down there! Especially with the lovely warm weather, palm trees, clear sea and celebrity styled houses! Thank you for reading and I hope you have enjoyed reading this post. I'm thinking about doing lifestyle posts...what's your opinion on it, I seriously love to hear your opinion on it! Follow me on Bloglovin' to keep up to date with more posts about my trip to Torquay!


  1. Smart tips! I'm also in love with your ring and your nails. x

  2. Hi Isobel! I discovered your blog on Lookbook and I fanned you. I like very much this casual outfit and this place is really beautiful! I never had the good fortune to visit UK, but from your picture it seems amazing! Have a nice day, kisses,

    Eniwhere Fashion
    Eniwhere Fashion Facebook

    1. Thank you! You would love Torquay! It really is lovely as you can see in the pictures above! x


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