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Lifestyle | One Year Blogiversary!

Isobel Celine

Oh My's been a whole year since I started Fashionistachic14...When I first started this blog, I had no idea what was coming. I had no idea what I was doing except writing about fashion and what I was wearing each day. I remember my first post...A haul of clothes I bought for complete bargains. I still have most of what I bought in that post.

It lead onto seriously bad quality photos in my bedroom mirror. I used to upload the pictures through my phone on the Blogger app without even thinking about the quality of pictures. Until I started researching fashion bloggers that bit more. It took about 5 months for me to start taking my blog that little bit more serious. Ever since I was invited to the My Bandage Dress Autumn Winter Exclusive Blogger Event, I started to take more pride in what I write and how I took my pictures, thanks to the lovely Holly from RockOnRuby giving me some awesome and extremely helpful advice about blogging and what to include in your posts etc. Shout out to Holly right there! After the event I started to look at more fashion blogs and see what they held in their content, getting inspiration on what to write about and what to include but still keeping it my style, as it wouldn't feel like my words if I wrote about someone else's outfit when this is my own personal blog and I write what I feel is necessary. Before my lovely grandparents bought me a tripod for Christmas, I was either dragging my friends, parents or a cardboard box and propping my camera on top of it out with me to a location or somewhere with an okay background. Now I'm either shooting with my tripod, my friend who is taking photography or still my friends or family members when we are at a shoot worthy location.

Recently, I have been putting so much commitment into my blog to have great quality content I have felt it has been taking over my life. Everything I do, I do it for my blog. I dedicate my self so much to this blog. You guys would not believe how much time and effort I put into it, nearly ALL of my free time is put into creating the perfect content for my viewers for you to hopefully gain inspiration and ideas from my content. I am always isolating myself by zoning out editing pictures, writing posts up, creating carts, including URL links, keeping EVERYTHING up to date. I've been putting SO much time and effort into this blog that I've realised that I am missing out on what is going on in the world. I hardly spend any time with my family or making the effort to see people. I feel the need to explain to you guys how much commitment I put into this blog as for without this blog there would be such a huge hole missing from my life. I feel this needs to be my full time job the amount of time I use putting things together, shooting, editing etc. I love everything I do for this blog and for my lovely viewers who read my content, follow me on any of my social media sites and support me in everything I do.

Lately you may have noticed a lack in posts from me, this is due to me not feeling like I should blog. This is quite hard for me to explain if you see where I'm coming from. I was isolating myself so much that I went through a stage of anxiety and depression, and I realise that I am NOT the only blogger who has gone through this. Anyone else who has gone through this or is still going through this. You need STOP. Take a moment and think about what you could do to get out of this bubble you are trapped in full of sadness and negative thoughts. You need to fight it and pop it by doing things you love, spending quality time with the people or furry friends you love, listen to inspiration music. Anything that makes YOU happy. FIGHT the depression and anxiety, you need to say NO to negativity and have GOOD VIBES ONLY.

Onto the positive parts of me blogging. I have had some amazing opportunities given to me like, being a Featured Editor for both Mavatar and Become a columnist for LaPalme Magazine. Collaborations with brands such as, Zorehia Jewellery, Lyla Loves, Powder, KyliJanee, Leggsington, Westegg and a few more. I was also invited out to New York for Fashion Week with Mavatar but due to it being last minute I couldn't make it. I also had an invite down to London twice for events but couldn't attend due to work. I appreciate all of these things SO much. You would not believe how much I appreciate every comment and every follower I have. I appreciate you guys SO much.

I also realised I have never explained to you guys what the real meaning of my blog name...let's start with the word fashionista. Fashionista is what my family (especially my nan) used to call me throughout my childhood and my early teen years. It's a word that best describes me and my style. As for the word chic, it's a style that I love the most (elegant and stylishly fashionable is the definition for it and that is what describes my style most). And as for the number, it seems to be a number I see a lot and is not only the date of my birthday but, is my lucky number. So there you go, you now know why my blog is called what it is.

I can't wait to see what the future holds for Fashionistachic14. Especially after July! Doors will hopefully open up! There's also A LOT of new things happening with Fashionistachic14 this year ;)

And don't forget:


Thank you so much for reading it truly means a lot ♡

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