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Fashion | What I Wore To Prom

Isobel Celine

Isobel Celine
Isobel Celine
Isobel Celine
Isobel Celine
Isobel Celine
Isobel Celine
Isobel Celine
Isobel Celine
Photos by Hayley Allsop Photography
Dress - Quiz Clothing | Heels - New Look | Bag - New Look | *Earrings - Body Jewellery Shop | Nail Shade 330 Chameleon Pink - Barry M

This is my actual Prom dress...purple and iridescent gems. I know it's Prom season so I thought I would share my style on the occasion. This dress can be strapless but I'm not one for going strapless. When I first went Prom dress shopping, I spotted this beauty in navy blue. I tried it on in navy blue and went away thinking is that the colour I want. Went back a few days later and went into the Debenhams Quiz store and spotted this beautiful radiant purple beauty! It was meant to be! I prefer purple than navy as it's such a vibrant and outstanding colour. It is long and short at the same time, which was perfect for my not knowing what length to go with - plus a bonus for being able to wear it again! Why buy something you'll only buy once! Especially if it cost you a hell of a lot of money!

As for my earrings, I was kindly gifted them buy Body Jewellery Shop. They have an awesome range of different jewellery, from stud earrings to belly bars to magnetic nail varnish! I particularly like the ear piercing jewellery products but there's so many I can't just choose one to be my favourite! I particularly like these pearl studs as they add a slight touch more class to my look. When I was younger I always want to wear pearls, especially the necklaces, so I could feel like a lady and I certainly feel like a lady in these elegant studs and beautiful outfit!

I didn't actually wear these heels to prom as I wore wedges to support my feet better as it was a long night. My clutch is the original one I wore to Prom. My Prom was two years ago. Do I want to relive that night? Hell no. To be absolutely truthful, I hated Prom. I was glad to be shot of school and be able to grow up and start a fresh. Once Prom was over I felt relieved to be free of school and not having to see the people I disliked again - there were people I did like, but most people I just felt they didn't mean anything to me anymore. Everyone has different views and this is my own opinion. I hope you enjoy or will enjoy your Prom as everyone is different.


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