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Lifestyle | Turning 18

Isobel Celine

Isobel Celine
Isobel Celine
Isobel Celine
Isobel Celine
Isobel Celine
Isobel Celine
Isobel Celine
Isobel Celine
Isobel Celine
Isobel Celine 
Isobel Celine
Isobel Celine

Wow...I'm finally 18...Happy Birthday to me! My birthday is actually on the 14th July, but seeing as it is on a weekday, I don't think a party on a weekday is appropriate for everybody. I tell you what, I had an amazing night. Absolutely hilarious. I did drink quite a lot of alcohol. I'm writing a post about turning 18 and giving you a little insight into my night because I like to think of my blog as a memory sort of thing in a way, slightly like a diary, as lately you may realise I put up pictures of where I've been out for the day etc. As each outfit is a memory of where I wore it and what I did that day. I suppose in a way my blog is slowly becoming slightly life styled, which I'm actually quite liking...? Who knows, my blog could consist of fashion, beauty and lifestyle? We'll have to wait and see...

Anyway, turning 18. Wow...where have the years gone? In a way I'm happy I'm 18 as so many doors will open for me now! And no not just pubs and nightclubs hahaa. As in being able to do a lot more things you can't do when your under 18. I'm going to do a list of things I want to do as a memory of finally becoming an adult:

1. Go to a nightclub and have an awesome time
2. Be able to buy and drink alcohol without being restricted
3. Buying whatever the hell I want to buy
4. Finally being able to buy things on the Internet
5. See 18 rated films
6. Be able to buy 18 rated DVD'S & games
7. Mostly doing whatever the hell I want to do

As for the party, I am literally like a child, considering how I work with children for a living then I'm not surprised. The caterpillar on the cake and the weird insect bouncy castle was not planned by the way. It just happened. There wasn't a theme or anything, just a coincidence. I'm never going to be too old for birthday cake or a bouncy castle, okay? I will always want both at my parties. Always have, always will! I'm such a big kid! The food prep, especially the sweet food, was all ideas I found on Pinterest. Which came in extremely handy at this time.

As for the scrapbook, it was another idea from Pinterest, where your guests write you a cute little note and put it in a glass/bottle for you to read on your birthday. I'll stick them in my scrapbook too and use pictures from my night then. As for my cake, my best friend bought it and it was her birthday last week so because she is literally like my sister, I was happy to share a massive cake with her. If I'm being totally honest, I took a moment out of my drunk self to just breathe in the atmosphere, with all my lovely family and friends around me for me and my bestest friends 18th Birthday. I felt so appreciative at this one moment and it will be a moment I will certainly not forget...

As for my outfit, my little pink playsuit is from Topshop and my court heels are new ones from Primark for only £10! Unfortunately, my beautiful courts were either stood on or something else, as some how there's a hole in them? I have literally no clue what happened to them but oh well, I HAVE VALENTINO KITTEN HEELS NOW! Check out my Instagram on my birthday to check out my new designer beauties!

I had an absolutely fabulous, hilarious, amazing night and I don't regret a thing and remember the majority of the night. 18 and legal (like what my sash says) and don't I know it! Thanks for reading lovelies!


  1. It looks like you had an amazing day, happy birthday for tomorrow! The food looked amazing especially the doughnuts haha!

  2. omg my best friend is turning 18 tomorrow!!!!!! ahhhhhhh love you bae

  3. I can't believe it's been 4 years since I turned 18, it goes so quick honestly! Looks like you had a great day! x

  4. What a great 18th birthday party!! That cake is superb dear. I have the desire to celebrate my 16th birthday at one of the most popular sweet sixteen party space rentals in Brooklyn. I wish my parent would agree for this destination party!

    1. Thank you! Wow that sounds awesome! Well, the prices are quite high but it depends what sort of party you want and how many people you want to invite there.


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