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Monday 10 July 2017

Lifestyle | What Happened In June

summer outfits

Well June was eventful! Firstly I spent some time with my girls shopping and in our favourite place, The Cosy Club, of course. That day we finally booked our trip to Disneyland Paris for a weekend! Also a trip to Scotland for me and Reiss, as we've talked about going there so often! Another trip for this year is Brighton for a day too! So excited to finally visit the place!

I also went to see the new Wonder Woman film which was INSANE! 

I modelled for my friends university show, where I was transformed into a magical, highlighted to the max, sequin unicorn.

What also happened in June was, I visited Stratford-Upon-Avon and went into the butterfly farm and ate chips near the lake with Reiss, Sophie and Sam.

I went up to Skegness again to see my grandparents and sat on the beach for 3 and a half hours reading whilst they were fishing. I also did a fair bit of bargain shopping whilst I was in the town centre too.

In June I also moved out, redecorated and finally brought the Ed Sheeran Divide album! Reiss was also sweet enough to buy me the most beautiful bunch of roses on the last day of June, how sweet.

That pretty much sums up June. How was your month? Thanks for reading!


  1. That sounds like an amazing June to me! I adored the Wonder Woman film! I think she's my new favourite super hero now!

  2. Wonder Woman was soooo good!! Seriously considering going to see it again.


    North + South + Navy

  3. It seems like you had such a great June!! Stratford is one of my favourite places in the world, to be honest. It's too gorgeous!

    Shauna Claire |

    1. I didn't even know you'd been there Shauna! It's a lovely place!
