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Lifestyle | What Happened In January & February - UPDATE

Izabella Fivey Makeup's been this long since I've written a blog post...Well, I best explain as to why this has happened now shouldn't I!

Starting off with the fact that I've been working full time which has really changed my routine and gave me less time to do everything I want to do in a day. Which has meant less time for blogging, but at the weekend I make myself have time for at least YouTube, so you'll always find a video there at 5pm every Sunday! YouTube seems to be the place that is the most updated at the minute. I've just found it really hard to keep up with everything to do with social media, blogging etc. As I've been keeping my main focus on my job, health, social life and home life. As they are now my main priorities that I feel matter the most, but don't get me wrong, I absolutely ADORE the blogging and YouTube industry, it's just trying to find that balance right now of everything I do in my life and my everyday routine. I've been working on bring back all the fashion, beauty, lifestyle and travel posts back, as I've been going out with Adam (if you watch my vlogs you'll know who Adam is) and shooting some new outfits that I'm currently obsessed with wearing lately, so they'll be up soon! Plus I've got a fair few different reviews on beauty products coming too! I'm also in the process of booking some travel plans, including a day trip to Harrogate too! So they'll be a vlog and possibly a blog post on that as well! I may have been MIA for a while, but I'm coming back!

Moving on to what happened in January anyway. January was kind of a 50/50 month, as I tried not to spend too much money, but ended up splurging on bargains in Primark a lot of the time and having a few nights out, as well as meals. I went ice skating, trampoling and saw Paramore live! Which all 3 occasions were SO fun! There's me saying I wanted to save money yet it clearly looks like that never happened hahaa. But, January was quite chilled as well, with a weekend where I did nothing but chill out and look at holidays and watching Netflix next to a trip to Bingo for a change - actually quite fun! I used to love Bingo as a kid that's for sure! I also had a refresh on my hair with more blonde highlights - love having fresh new hair!

Moving onto what happened in February, I had my theory test and was so annoyed the fact I failed by one mark...REALLY...I re-booked it not long after anyway so it's fine, just got to try again, it's all good! I spent a night out in Birmingham with the girls, before me and Hayley got our make up done too which is in the photo above - of course there was a vlog on this! All my latest vlogs from January & February are linked at the bottom of this blog post if you'd like to watch and subscribe it you like. I got to spend a bit of time with the family during the first 2 weeks of February which was really nice. I also got the chance to see The Script - also in a vlog down below. I had a lovely Valentine's day thanks to Adam. I've also been working out a 5 days a week the last 2 weeks of February which is a big achievement for me to get back to home work outs, I'm even back on my protein shakes every morning with breakfast, but this time the body toning shakes by Cute Nutrition. So I'm pretty proud of myself for starting to get fit again!

Thanks for reading and I'm so happy to get back into blogging again! Missed it so much actually!

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