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Friday 1 February 2019

Travel | Team Sport Go Karting Coventry

team sport go karting

Something you guys don't really know about me is the fact I LOVE Go Karting! And the fact I'm a racer girl when it comes to driving...Who knew I loved the thrill of high speed and the competitiveness of races! I've been Go Karting 3 or 4 times now and thoroughly enjoyed the thrill of it - minus the part where I knock about in the kart so much as I'm so small for the seat! *insert booster seat here* I surprised Adam on his birthday last year to a Grand Prix Go Karting session with a fair few other family and friends and it was SO much fun and Adam came 1st! Of course it was his birthday so he HAD to win - plus, a trait we both share is being competitive!

team sport go karting
team sport go karting

Adam and myself were invited down to the Team Sport Go Karting in Coventry to review their track and have some fun! We were actually at this exact venue the day before for a friends birthday and there were 13 of us and out of the 13 people I was the only girl, but guess who came first out of them all - ME! GIRL POWER, GET IN!

team sport go karting
team sport go karting
team sport go karting

So moving onto the actual place itself. They have a HUGE track to go round with some pretty tight turns  which I thoroughly enjoy screeching round in my go kart at high speed. I'm a bit of an adrenaline junkie when it comes to these types of sports, and driving in general I just love! The track is 500m, multi-level and best of all your 200cc Bizz Petrol Karts go as fast as 40mph! Hell yes for us speedy drivers! So before we actually head onto the track, you have to sign in at reception and collect your suit - mine was a very night black and orange striped suit which was actually really fitted considering every time I wear these things I honestly drown in them and look like a child... So this is a bonus for feeling comfortable! You then have to go through a safety briefing, yup, health and safety still exists guys and girls so you cannot race unless you watch the safety briefing which is full of usual information when you think about it as their light system on the track can be confusing if you didn't listen to the briefing or the person who is looking after you during your go karting session. 

After briefing it's time to gear up and grab a helmet and some gloves, I was FREEZING on the track so needed to double up on the gloves as, come on, we're go karting in the winter it's bound to be cold! 

team sport go karting
team sport go karting
team sport go karting

On to the fun stuff! If you look at the photos, I bet your thinking, what the f*ck is underneath your helmet girl? It's the cheap skate version of the balaclava that you have to have and I went for the 50p one instead of the £3.50 official one as I don't ride a motorbike or do go karting very often so a dinner lady like one would do me regardless hahaa. So if you look through the photos and see me in an orange striped suit and blue dinner lady hat, yup, that is me. But I don't give a f*ck as it was SO much fun. The only thing is, I'm that small for the go karts I needed and insert (a.k.a baby seat) so that I wouldn't be chucked about the cart too much - guess who still left with bruises on their spine and legs. Bearing in mind I was chucking myself about a lot because of the speed I was going at and the fact my spine sticks out and I bruise easily. The track was none like any other I'd been on before, I've been to 2 in Nuneaton and they're tiny compared to Team Sport Coventry!

team sport go karting
team sport go karting
team sport go karting

Adam also enjoyed himself thoroughly as he came first (I came a close second), and was able to take his own bike helmet! The British flag coloured helmet is of course Adam in the photos above! Pretty cool how you can take your own bike helmet! Me & Adam love getting outdoors and doing fun sporty things like Go Karting, so when this opportunity came it, it was just perfect - and on the perfect day for our 1 year Anniversary together too! And in all honesty, both days we were there, the team were AMAZING! They were so full of humour and kindness with helping us with our helmets to taking the shots of us on the track, the whole team you just could not fault them!

team sport go karting

We honestly had SO much fun and are planning on going back soon with a few friends and have some competitive fun all over again! They also have a spectators balcony as well as a bar which sells food (PIZZA!!) and drinks - parking is free also - BONUS! Do you love go karting? Your thinking about it aren't you? DO IT! You clearly won't regret it as the fun you have is unforgettable!

Thank you to the lovely team at Team Sport for inviting us down to Team Sport Coventry and having an awesome and competitive time in such a fun, happy and safe environment!


  1. Ah I'm glad you had such a good time! I went go-karting once and ended up hardly being able to walk because some d*ckheads spun me right off the course and I crashed. So yeah, sounds like my worst nightmare but something I'd love to watch!

    Lizzie Bee // Hello Lizzie Bee

    1. I LOVE Go-Karting! It's so much fun! Such a shame you had a bad experience from wherever you went! This course has some pretty good safety rules so I'm sure that wouldn't happen on this course!xx

  2. This looks like so much fun! I would love to try this. I'm sure I would just crash though aha

  3. Been indoor go karting before but not to this track. It’s great fun but I also get so bruised (worth it though!).
