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Friday 28 June 2019

Advice | What Becoming An Adult Actually Feels Like

Unique 21

Do we really know what it feels like to be an adult? Do we actually have our our shit together in our 20's? Do we dress like one? Let's dive into all these questions we think about and whether we should be more 'adult'.

Unique 21
Unique 21

I'll be honest with you, as I always am, becoming an adult is dam hard. Growing from a child to an adult is probably the hardest transition in life in my opinion. You go from not having to have a care in the world and just having fun with your friends, playing games and just enjoying life, it's not like we can't do this as adults, but when we were kids, there were no worries whatsoever. But when you hit adulthood with all these responsibilities, bills to pay, keeping a job and having a career to build, when all you want to do is have fun and travel. That's my dream, to travel. But it's never that easy, unless your a travel blogger or someone who travels the world for a living.

Unique 21
Unique 21

When I was younger, I used to look up to adults for safety, someone to look up to and learn from them. But now I'm the adult and a lot of the things I've seen grown ups do when I was a kid, they made it look like they were so organised and put together, yet you realise when your older how much worry, money and all these things you have to sort out on your own. Let's take tax for instance, we all bloody hate it don't we? Something I think kids in schools should be taught about. How come we were never taught about what life throws at us, like insurance, tax, politics and how to do the right thing. School never taught you anything that you would need in your adulthood. Just things to take with you to A levels or College. Becoming an adult is something we are never prepared for or taught about, it just happens.

Unique 21
Unique 21

From what I've learnt so far from being an adult, even though I'm sure I'm not one because I still love to do child like things, but don't we all? As our childhood never leaves us really. I've learnt to learn from other peoples mistakes, to live how you want to live, trust is precious and it's not to be wasted on people who make no time for you or use your secrets against you. I've learnt to block out people in my life who bring no joy, just negativity. Who wants negative people in their life, even in your social media feed, growing up with that isn't what anyone needs. 

Unique 21
Unique 21

Becoming an adult feels scary, it honestly scares you the fact you have the responsibility of everything you own, from sorting your car insurance, to tax rebate and all the adult stuff you never knew existed. Growing up is hard, but we can all do it in our own and unique way. I feel like my style has grown with me too. Since I started work in an office almost 2 years ago, I've notice my style grow more and more towards the sophisticated adult look, but still my personal style. Like this top I'm wearing in these photos from a shoot by a lovely countryside pub. This is something I wear to the office on a daily basis, if I'm not wearing a dress or skirt with a top or jumper. My style has grown more sophisticated with me and I'm rather proud of it.

Unique 21
Top* - Unique 21 | Jeans - Primark | Boots - Primark | Bag - Bought from Market

My overall point in this blog post is, growing up can be hard, and there's a lot of things to learn, but as scary as growing up can be, it can be rewarding, exciting and eye opening to see what life really can throw at you. But at the end of the day, it's part of life and we can only make what we can of it and live our lives to the fullest, and as cringe as it sounds, you only live once, and adult life is the longest part of your life so embrace it.


*Items marked with an asterisk(*) have been kindly gifted to me for reviewing purposes. All opinions are honest and completely my own. For more information please refer to my disclaimer.*

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