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Thursday 25 December 2014

Lifestyle | Merry Christmas!

Happy Christmas everyone! How is your Christmas going? I thought for a change I would do a lifestyle kind of post. I am seriously becoming more and more dedicated to this blog seeing as I'm posting on Christmas Day. Also, I don't know if you've noticed but, today's post is my 100th post! A lot of hard work and editing has gone into this blog so I really hope you appreciate my hard work that has gone into it. Anyway, here is an insight into my day! I will have more pictures going up on Boxing Days post for you all to see what I got up to as well, seeing as I'm going Ice Skating for Christmas morning, so it will be a Christmas with a difference.

Isobel Celine

Merry Christmas once again bloggers and fashionista's!

Isobel Celine


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