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Tuesday 29 December 2015

Lifestyle | What I Got For Christmas

Christmas 2015

How was everyone's Christmas? Hope you all had a fab day! As I love to hear what everyone gets for Christmas, comment below what you got for Christmas as I'd love to read about your day and what you got! Meanwhile, here is what I got on Christmas Day! 

*Quick no means am I trying to show off, advertise products or anything of that kind. I am clearly just writing about what I got for Christmas as a few people have requested this post. As I love to know what other people get for Christmas or for their birthday etc. I would feel interested in reading posts similar to mine here.*

Valentino Perfume

Valentino Donna Perfume

Adidas Superstars
Adidas Superstars

Adidas Superstars

Nikon DSLR

Nikon DSLR D3200 Camera

Yankee Candle

Kilimanjaro Stars Yankee Candle

Christmas Presents
Christmas Presents

Millie Marotta's Tropical Wonderland Therapy Colouring Book

Christmas Presents
Christmas Presents

My day started off with blogging a little Merry Christmas post for all of you just to say a quick message hoping you all have a lovely day with your family and friends. Next I skyped one of my best friends as we were both awake like little children at 6am hehee. So we opened the presents we gave each other over a Skype call. What better way to start Christmas Day with one of your best friends - even if they are just on a screen. 

I soon got myself up and ready for the day, wearing Christmassy leggings and a black jumper as the weather wasn't the warmest in the morning but warmed up throughout the day. Heading downstairs with the family to open our presents and give each other our gifts. I loved all the gifts I received and am extremely gratefully for all of them. The pictures above are just a few pictures I took of some of the things I was gifted for Christmas as I didn't want to spend the day photographing every little thing.

Heading to different relatives houses and exchanging presents, especially when I gave my Grandad an Irish beanie hat. I've never seen him so happy in my life! He absolutely loved it as he has been looking for one for a long time and could never find one, and me loving to shop online found one perfect for him. Just seeing him so happy and thankful gave me a lovely warm feeling inside knowing I've been appreciated and made someone happy. It's one of the best feelings. I was more bothered about giving people presents rather than receiving them as I love to make people happy!

Later in the day we obviously had the traditional roast turkey with all the trimmings; pigs in blankets, veg, roast potatoes, the lot. Roast dinners are literally my fave dinners! I spent the rest of the evening in the presence of my family just chatting about random things. Overall, I had a lovely day! The only thing more I would of loved to have done was played that game splat that I've heard of but I didn't know about it until I saw it on someone's snapchat on Christmas day! Oh well! Always good for next year! I would of also liked it to have snowed, but you can't have everything!

Let me know what you did on Christmas day, as in what you got up to, what dinner you had, what you got for Christmas etc. As I'd love to know! Even if you don't celebrate Christmas, let me know what you did! :)

Thanks for reading my fabulous followers!


  1. Lovely post, looks like you've had a great Christmas! Xx

  2. Happy holiday...looks like you have great gifts...lots of them :)

  3. I think camera is the best Christmas present for bloggers! I spent way too much eating and now I have felt regret about all the food I consumed lol

    1. Yeaa I've been looking at getting my own dslr recently for my blog so this was a brilliant surprise! Well Christmas is the time were you stuff your self silly xD I on the other hand didn't surprisingly!

  4. Such lovely gifts! Hope you had a lovely Christmas!
