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Friday 22 July 2016

Advice | Why I'm A Country Girl At Heart

Country Girl Style

I've always been a country girl at heart, even when I was younger. I used to love walking round country parks, especially Coombe Abbey and Memorial Park in my home city. 

Country Girl Style
Country Girl Style
Country Girl Style

Even my style, if you've followed me for a while, you'll have noticed my slightly country/western style within my personal style. Especially this cute get up that I pulled together. Before I go on about my country side to my life, how cute IS this outfit though! Super cute country girl vibes! With the short denim dungarees and the straw hat, with the super cute lace bell sleeved off the shoulder top from my absolute long term faves at Boutique Of Molly. The quality of their clothing never fails to impress me. If you read my Latest Obsessions post you would of seen me mention about my obsession for anything lace lately, and this one is a firm favourite! And the cutest thing is, when you buy any item off their site, it arrives in the cutest pink parcel.

Country Girl Style
Country Girl Style

Adding in my summer favourites, of course my tanned strappy wedged platforms and another favourite, the Chloe Dupe bag I picked up off Ark Clothing a few months back. The amount I have used this bag is ridiculous! I only paid a tenner for it as well and it's like a Tardis inside, so it's just perfect!

This is actually the outfit I wore for our little adventure, where we found this cute little swamp filled with different types of fish that we sat and watched for a while. There's something about sitting out in the countryside on a sunny day that makes me think about and appreciate what we have in this world; loving people around us, the beautiful sites that the world holds, what we have in our lives as well as what's waiting for us in the future. Walking or sitting in countryside places just gives me that little break from the stresses in life, the online world and prevents me from overthinking - which is a common thing for me. Going to these beautiful places just makes me feel grateful for the little things in life that we already have.

Country Girl Style
Country Girl Style

Since I was little, and all the way through growing up, I was always taken to country parks, nature reserves, reservoirs, lakes, anything that had greenery around it, I'd probably had been to if it was in the West Midlands. I used to love climbing frames - I even still do, as on my birthday, me and my boyfriend were walking back home from a meal out for my birthday and walked past the local play area, and it was a nice evening, the sun was setting and me decided to be big kids again. Just because your age gets older, doesn't been you have to grow up with it!

I'm always acting like a child, actually, let's put that in a term that I say all the time and what I actually me. I'm always being myself, no matter what environment I'm in I won't change my personality for anyone. If people don't accept me for who I am, then that's their loss. I have people in my life who make time for me and accept me for who I am, who I absolutely adore and am so grateful to have these people in my life. 

Country Girl Style
Country Girl Style

Nature has always been something I've appreciate. Okay, I may be addicted to my phone, iPod and camera, but I'm more than likely taking pictures of my surrounds when I'm out. Especially on my camera, the amount of nature and wildlife pictures I've taken, you wouldn't believe. To put it straight, I may look like your typical girl, but you wouldn't believe how much my personality holds and still grows every day. I'll never change as a person, as I've accepted who I am and grown to love who I am. There's nothing wrong with a bit of self love every now and again!

To put it straight guys, love who you are no matter what you love to do with yourself, what places you love to visit, what your personality holds. NO ONE can tell you how to run your life, how it should go, what you should and shouldn't do. It's YOUR life, NO ONE else's. Do what YOU want to do in life.

*For the reference, yes, that is what I do sometimes, as it's MY life and I can do whatever stupidly, hilarious, but memorable things with my life, as that's what I want to do with my life.*

Country Girl Style
Country Girl Style
*Top - Boutique Of Molly | Dungarees & Straw Hat - Primark | Bag - Ark Clothing | Shoes - HiddenFashion

What's your inner secret side? Do you love the countryside? What inspires you to do things?

*Items marked with an asterisk(*) have been kindly gifted for reviewing purposes. All opinions are my own and honest. Please refer to my disclaimer for more information.*


  1. hi dear, this is a very nice outfit..and the location is fab

  2. Great post, you look lovevly and the overall message written is really good :)

    1. Thank you so much Niky! I love how you read every piece of my writing! <3

  3. What a lovely setting and your style is perfect, I love that dainty! thanks for stopping by my blog!


  4. Stunning boho look and the setting: WOW


  5. Omg how beautiful! What I would give to have landscapes like this. Great outfit!


    1. Just venture out into the countryside and I'm sure you'll find something!
