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Beauty | FaceTox Detoxifying Face Masks Review

FaceTox Face Masks

I was delighted to be able to try out the FaceTox face mask set, as it came as a little DIY pamper kit - perfect for a slumber party or night in with the girls. Or in my case, it was a night in with my boyfriend and his family, and thankfully I convinced them all to join in!

FaceTox Face Masks

The kit provides 7 packs of Mixed FaceTox Blend and 7 packets of Organic Rose Water. I mixed the packets together with the provided bowl and spatula, but the paste was slightly dry, so I added a bit more Rose Water from another packet and it lasted 3 times worth, as it applied to 3 peoples faces. Shows that you get a lot out of one packet!

FaceTox Face Masks

The consistency was certainly like clay! It was rather thick but creamy. Leaving that on, once evenly applied, for 30 minutes. I had to slightly scrub it off with a flannel, but the end result I found very satisfying. My black heads were reduced and there were less, my sin was even softer and my skin was more radiant! I personally love this product and will be using it again, but not often, only as a treat, as it's more for sharing with others because of how much product there is to use that can be shared by 3-4 people.

FaceTox Face Masks

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*Items marked with an asterisk(*) have been kindly gifted for reviewing purposes. All opinions are my own, open and honest. For more information please refer to my disclaimer.* 


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