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Monday 13 March 2017

Travel | My V Fest Experience

V Festival 2016
V Festival 2016

V Fest. My first ever festival, as well as my first time camping at a festival. I had an amazing time in the day time, watching a lot of my favourite and amazing acts, making new memories with friends and having a few drinks, as well as going on a fun house, where I tried to hold a hand stand whilst on a rotating wheel and fell three quarters round! It was hilarious even though I hurt my hip!

V Festival 2016
V Festival 2016

The day time was an awesome experience and will be unforgettable. I loved having the chance to get all glittered up with my glitter pots from eBay. But once night time came and the festival was finished for the day, it was time to head back to camp...Where I thought we were actually safe for the weekend. Our tent pegs had been pulled out and strings snapped. The rest of our nights there were fine, but other people's tents were taken by people, as well as people's tents being jumped on, tent roof top covers being taken from the roof of the tent, so their belongings were drenched from the rain. So they had to stay in welfare for their last night. By the last morning we were there, we found out that the area we pitched in was the worst area of the entire festival! I ended up in medical due to eating some dodgy food, as well as contaminated water and unclean facilities (I won't even mention about the showers!) and the reason for my break from blogging because of how ill I had been. The St John Ambulance team put me down to being so sick and in pain from 'being on my period.' So when I got home, I was even worse, went to the doctors and they told me I had Gastroenteritis. I was ill for a good 6 weeks! So I had unfortunately been misdiagnosed at the festival.

V Festival 2016
V Festival 2016

Even though all this had happened, I would love to go to more festivals, but would go with glamping, in a caravan or in a hotel, as it's cleaner as well as a nicer experience. As much as I like the line up for V Festival this year, I won't be going due to how bad my immune system became during the time being there, plus I found camping just wasn't for me.

The amount of festival line ups I've looked at from the likes of, Reading, Creamfields, Boomtown and many others, I definitely don't fancy going to any festivals this year. I think maybe some new trips to different places will take place instead for my travel life this year.

V Festival 2016

Have you got plans for attending any festivals this year or ever had bad experiences?

Thanks for reading!


  1. Seems like you all had an amazing time. Nice pictures.

    Bernie, xx
    The Style Fanatic

  2. I nearly went to V festival however we had to sell our tickets! The day sounds amazing and I'm very jealous you got to see some amazing acts and get your glitter on haha! But I'm so sorry to hear about the night. Festivals can have some horrible people in them, and it's always a hit and miss. But apart from that I'm glad you want to go to more and had somewhat of a good time! x

    1. Yeah the day time was brilliant but wouldnt do camping again! X

  3. Looks like you had an awesome time. hope you have enjoyed.

