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Travel | Places To Visit In Barcelona

Sagrada Familia Barcelona

I sure as hell was not expecting Barcelona to be such a big city! Guess who didn't do their research and completely winged it whilst we were there? Clearly this girl, who normally is super organised and knows where we need to be for whatever time...Anyway, so me and Adam went down to Barcelona for the day from Santa Susanna during our holiday back in May in Costa Brava. We took the train from Santa Susanna to Barcelona Central Station but got off a few stops before as our first destination was the closest to that station. Let me take you through the top places to visit in Barcelona.

Sagrada Familia Barcelona

Sagrada Familia

Our first stop of the day. This glorious beauty of a historical place was so stunning and unusual to photograph, it just looked so unique in photos and in person. I was so happy to trek 20 minutes to this place to capture the stunning architecture! Minus the tall cranes, as you can see in the above picture - one of my favourites!

Park guell barcelona
Park guell barcelona

Park Guell

This was such a trek from Sagrada Familia. We had a pit stop for ice cream that cost 11 euros!! Ridiculous but we needed it in the heat! Park Guell was lovely to stroll round, especially worth trekking right to the top for the gorgeous views over Barcelona city! There is an area that is covered in mosaic designs which I was pretty gutted we couldn't go in and see a bit closer, but the next slot time was at 5:30 and it was about 12pm when we got to Park Guell, so it's good to do research guys and pre-book your tickets that's for sure! It was such an unusual and beautiful park, a must see on your locations list for visiting Barcelona!

casa mila

Casa Mila

The structure of this building (above) was so unusual! I thought there was more to it, you could go in but we weren't interested. Worth a look though if your into architecture & museums! It makes me wonder how they designed this building and how they managed to build it, as I'm sure it must of been hard to create the waves in the brick work!

camp nou
camp nou

Camp Nou

Adam was very happy when we got to the Barcelona football grounds! The shop was MASSIVE! I'm not even a football fan and even I enjoyed visiting this place! Definitely worth going to visit - as there's also a Primark a 20 minute walk away that I of course had to go and find! How could I not though? Each Primark has different items in each store! You can have a tour of the official football grounds but it's over £100 so count me out of that as cool as that would be!

That concludes our 12 hours in Barcelona! Have you been to Barcelona? Where's your favourite spots to visit in Barcelona?

Thanks for reading!

1 comment

  1. I really want to visit Barcelona, I can't believe I still haven't managed to get to such a major city!


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