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Lifestyle | What Happened In October

Krakow Poland

I feel so behind with these 'What Happened' posts right now! We're in December and looking back at October?! Where has the year gone honestly?! Either way, October was such a fun month to look back on. For one, we kicked off the month with flying out to Krakow, Poland for a little city break! We honestly ate our way round this stunning city full of architecture! We ate pancakes every day, tried polish cuisine, got very tipsy on their extremely strong polish vodka, walked about 22,000 steps a day, visited all the lovely landmarks including the gorgeous Wawel Castle, went on a afternoon trip to Auschwitz, which honestly, everyone needs to experience, as you come out of seeing this historical place seeing life through your eyes in a very different light, and it made me appreciate how grateful we should be for what we have in life, as we could be in worse scenarios! I honestly wish we could of seen the salt mines too, but unfortunately we were only there for 4 days! There's always next time!

Another very exciting thing happened in October, my amazing partner passed his driving test! Honestly so happy and proud of him and to have been there with him to have reached such a milestone in life!

There a few shopping trips of course, as there usually is every month, but we went to Leamington Spa and there was a lovely little street market on, and I bought some lovely flowers. Markets are honestly so much nicer than going round the high street I think sometimes, I've always loved supporting my local business and visiting these street market stalls whether it be in my home town or in a new city, they're just full of little surprises!

During October, I was lucky enough to be invited to the Ballxrs event that's opened up in Far Gosford Street in Coventry! If you love a night out with a bit more fun and love ball pits.. I've been loving going to these events in Coventry with the lovely girls from Coventry Bloggers! I've made such lovely friendships through blogging and I'm so grateful for it! 
I was also invited to The Cosy Club to try out their lovely new festive Christmas menu, which was an absolute dream!

The month ended with a bit of Halloween fun with a Halloween party at a friends house, which included drunk dancing, beer pong, lots of food and shots - not to mention prosecco of course!

So overall, October was rather memorable! It was so much fun, and travelling to Poland had to be my favourite part of it spending quality time with my partner and him reaching such a milestone in life!


  1. Your trip to Poland sounded wonderful, and eventful and fun October for you. I hope the last 2 months of 2018 are just as enjoyable for you.
    Emma x

    1. They certainly were even though I’ve decided to not write about my months anymore!

  2. Beautiful post dear!

  3. Loved your pictures from poland! I really want to go there. Looks like a wonderful month xx

  4. I went to Poland when I was a teen and I absolutely loved it there - the salt mine were awesome! You should definitely go next time if you get the chance. Gosh so many good things happened in October, and congrats to Adam for passing his test!

    1. The salt mine was the one thing we missed! More of an excuse to go back there one day again!

  5. Aww it sounded like you had a fab time in Poland! :D

  6. Looks like another busy month! You definitely like to keep busy!


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