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Advice | 8 Things To Update On Your Blog

Spring Outfits

I've been updating my blog more and more recently with just little bits and pieces, but there's a few I've been focusing on the most so I wanted to bring you the 8 things that you can update on your blog.

1. Update Old Posts

This was one of the longest tasks I've had to do but it's worth it if you have a lot of viewers going back through your blog reading through old reviews and posts etc. It's well worth making sure you do the following updates in each post:

  • Add the read more button - as this is a much better way for you to track how many people have actually clicked to open and read a particular post, rather than them just scrolling down your blog and you missing a view on that post.
  • Proof read - this is something I still need to go back and do as my spelling and punctuation back 4-6 years ago are awful. So that is also well worth doing to check if there is any mistakes, as it's the worst when you haven't spelt something correctly. Now a days I always proof read and make sure the spelling and punctuation is correct.
  • Check that your links are working - I removed a lot of my old links like Twitter, Instagram, Depop and Snapchat, as all my links are on my blog header if anyone is really interested in finding me on other social platforms.
  • Images set to original size -  I didn't realise how to do this until around 3 years ago how to make my images into their original size, which basically just makes them as big as they can be. Making your photos be reverted to their original size makes them look so much more put together in the blog post, as when you make them small or large, they just don't look as presentable.

2. Update your blog theme

I've done this a couple of times during my time blogging. I first had the original blogger themes that were free, but soon realised it didn't look how I wanted it to. So I bought a theme off Pipdig which looked so lovely until, if you remember what Pipdig did in the coding that went all over Twitter. I then had to remove the theme ASAP. Which is when I found the theme that I have now for around £15. Which was a bargain compared to what Pipdig were charging (around £40 or more). I definitely recommend you getting your own theme, no matter what platform your working with, Blogger, Wordpress etc. A blog theme pulls your blog together making your space look more professional as well as being easy for viewers/readers to navigate around your blog.

3. Logo

Your logo or blog header is what speaks out to your readers/viewers before they even decide to read your blog posts. It's the first thing they see when they open your blog page. Make this section unique to you for it to show your personality. I chose mine to be all floral at first as that's what I liked, but then I changed my logo to be more simplistic as that's how I preferred it to look. Easier on the eye, rather than so many flowers in the background.

4. Newsletter

A newsletter isn't a necessity as it's not something everyone likes to sign up to due to them already getting too many emails daily from brands sales etc. But if your readers are really interested, they will get involved with a newsletter as they will want to see more from you. So a newsletter isn't always a bad thing to add to your to do list and research into.

5. Bio

Of course on our blogs usually under our profile picture we have our bio that's just a short introductory paragraph which is short and snappy, to show what you're about and what your readers can expect from your blog. Always a good section to have on your blog if you haven't already.

6. Categories

This is a handy section to have for your readers to navigate around your blog. I have quite a few different sections like; fashion, lifestyle, blogger events, how to style, food etc. It's just an easier way to section off your different styles and types of posts.

7. About page

One of the first sections I wrote about on my blog when I first started out blogging. Even 6 years later I still go back and change what I've wrote, as we all change within ourselves and our style so I like to update that section when I feel is necessary.

8. Media Kit

Media kits are mainly something brands look for when they would like to work with you. This is a good section to add to your about me section for brands to see what your about and what your following is like on each platform. If you want to make your own, you can do this on the likes of Canva or any picture style making app.

I hope this has been helpful in some way to you. What have you been updating recently on your blog?

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