Happy New Year! And thank goodness its finally 2021...It's been a while since I've actually sat down and written an actual blog post, so what better way to start this years first blog post than my annual yearly goals. I have quite a few goals for this year, as 2020 was NOT the year I achieved much, but instead I learnt a lot more about myself, but theres more about that in this blog post where I talk about Reviewing 2020 As A Whole here. Lets get straight into the goals I'm hoping to achieve during 2021...
Read as many books as possible
I love to read, but its honestly finding the time, as I find it hard to actually sit down and relax as I don't even sit down to watch the TV in the evenings very often, as I'm either in the kitchen, creating content or editing. I just love to do that, so I want to read more books this year, last year I probably read about 4 books at a push? But that's better than nothing! I have SO many books to read, so this year I really want to try and get through my big pile of them and just get lost within the pages.
Organise more time with family and friends
Of course throughout 2020 hardly any of us could see our friends and family apart from virtually, which is nice but never the same as seeing them in person. So this year, when all is well and good, I definitely want to try and see family and friends as much as I can, as time just passes us by far too quickly and I want to make the most of the time I have with them. As 2020 has taught me, never take anything in life for granted.
Buy a house
My BIGGEST goal of 2021 is to buy our first home. As 2020 certainly stopped us from doing so, but was a good thing as it gave us time to save more than we ever thought, so I'm actually grateful for that. So I can't wait for us to be getting our first home this year and actually get the ball rolling, as it's been a long time coming. I can't wait for me and Adam to just have our own place and our own space. As living at home with our parents during the pandemic certainly made us realise how much we need our own place.
Spend more time reflecting on things I'm grateful for and start manifesting
I've followed many accounts throughout 2020 that's really helped with my mindset, but I've seen a lot about manifesting so it's something I want to focus on more in 2021. As well as giving myself time to take a breather and reflect on the things I'm grateful for and not focus on the negative things going on, as this is something that really helps me, especially when I look back at memories, it just gives me that lovely feeling of being grateful for who and what I have in my life.
Drink more - between 1.8 - 2.5L a day
My drinking water/fluids goal went completely out the window in 2020 and I was hardly drinking one bottle of water or fluids a day, which is pretty bad to be honest. So for Christmas, Adam got me this really cool drinking bottle that has the times of how much your should of drank by, which really helps me to keep an eye on how much I should be drinking a day. I also previously bought a 1.8l drinking bottle which is massive that will also be handy for if I'm going out for the day or going to the gym etc and need a fair amount of water to take with me to keep me going throughout the day. Such a good idea to have a drinking bottle if your trying to drink more fluids!
Reach 1000 subscribers
I really found my love for youtube throughout 2020 and started to film more and more content. I vlogged weekly for 3 months throughout the pandemic, started to post 2 videos a week and really enjoyed it. I've gained some really lovely subscribers and supporters and I'm so grateful for the lovely little community that is being built over on my YouTube channel. So if your reading this, I'd love for you to join me over on YouTube and subscribing to my channel here - it would be lovely to have you there and be much appreciated!
Reach 10K on Instagram
Instagram throughout 2020 also changed for me, I experimented with my style, creativity and most of all, shot a lot of indoor content which I was really happy with and now we are in Tier 4 where I live, I'll be back to trying out more creative photography at home. I've bought a stand I can use at home to make my own little photography studio with and play around with on my days off, so I'm hoping to up my Instagram game even more in 2021, but also keeping it realistic with more real time photos from walks and things. Please do check out my page and give me a follow over on Instagram here if you'd like to support my 2021 goal!
Listen to music more
I realised throughout 2020 I hardly listened to music and don't know why? But music really uplifts my mood and getting a boogie on just really lifts the mood doesn't it? So I've been making more playlists on youtube to listen to in the car and just in general of all genres of music that I love, new and old. Simply Red, Michael Jackson, Bring Me The Horizon, new music and so many other great songs I've made a playlist on to boost my mood more often, especially when I'm having a down day or moment, music really helps. I'd highly recommend to do this if your struggling with your emotions right now.
Go outside more
2020 we were stuck inside so much, and to the point where I was Vitamin D deficient. So 2021 I want to get outside more, walk in the countryside and just get out in the fresh air. Get my steps up, get active and just be outside as much as I can really, as I'm inside all day at work as well, so I could do with getting out more to get more vitamin D from the sun etc. Being outside is also better for your mental health.
Be more sustainable
Whether this be using more vegan and cruelty free products, buy clothes second hand, using more eco friendly products, shopping small, buying environmentally friendly package products or eating more vegan food rather than vegetarian. I want to do it for the planet, my health and for the animals, as there's no better feeling than seeing that something is vegan, cruelty free, recyclable, biodegradable or eco friendly in my opinion. So I want to do this more in 2021 as I feel like it's something I should of always done and know it's the right way to go.
What's your goals for 2021?
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