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Thursday 7 July 2016

Lifestyle | 5 Ways To Get More Active

Isobel Celine

One of my goals this year was to get more active. If I'm totally honest I completely fell off the healthy band waggon and been eating the wrong foods, which is completely changing my mood, and not for the better. I keep eating crappy junk food (which I really shouldn't) and it's making me break out really badly and I just feel really lazy all the time, and that just isn't me! So I thought it was about time I sorted that out seeing as I am completely failing at being healthy lately.

Isobel Celine
Isobel Celine

1. Get out & exercise

Whether this be a run around a lake or a work out at home or at the gym. I prefer to work out at home or in the garden on a nice day, as it's free and you have the comforts of your own home. I also like to go for a run around my local area or sometimes around a lake or reservoir when this British weather isn't miserable and raining. Even joining a martial arts class is a good idea. It's something I've been doing for the last 3 years and it really does make you concentrate and is also a confidence booster, as well as another form of exercise.

Isobel Celine
Isobel Celine

2. Ditch the laptop/phones & start writing

I have to admit I am on my laptop and phone quite a lot lately and not getting outside and writing or reading (yes I know this is a post about how to be more active, but that doesn't mean your brain doesn't count for keeping active!). I've been trying to read more as I used to love it, but hardly have any time for it, so I now give myself 15 minutes before I go to sleep to read a few pages of a book. I'm currently just getting into Looking For Alaska by John Green. Has anyone else read it?
As for writing, I absolutely love writing more than I do typing, and it's better for your health and eyes to write on paper than it is to look at a screen for hours on end. This definitely calls for some stationary shopping!

Isobel Celine
Isobel Celine

3. Cut out all junk food from your diet

This is definitely said easier than it is to be done! It can be difficult at first to cut out your favourite junk food, but I find if I have enough will power to ignore the crappy food and go for healthier options I won't regret it and I'll thank myself later. Say if I feel slightly hungry and want a little snack, I used to head for my favourites, chocolate digestive biscuits, but now, I try to eat either fruit, yoghurt's, crackers, or Sun bites (you know, those healthier crisps with less fat?).

Isobel Celine
Isobel Celine

4. Organise Fun active days out

This could consist of so many different things! Whether this be paintballing (now this is definitely fun as well as exhausting!), archery (work those arm muscles out), golf/mini golf, zorbing is a fun one that I definitely want to try! Even something like ice skating or as simple as going to a park, playing football, tennis, basketball, whatever! Just get out there and organise some fun days out, even for your work mates! It's a great team building experience and idea! Recently I've been my group of friends, where we've planned to go to Cadbury World (yes, okay, not so healthy but it's for a friends birthday) as it's a new experience as none of us have gone before. We are also going Laser Quest for my birthday as we can't find any nearby places for Go Karting unfortunately unless one of us could drive. We're also planning to go to Harry Potter World later in the year too!

Isobel Celine
Isobel Celine

5. Drink more fluids

This is something I have always struggles with, especially with drinking water. I just can't stand water unless there is nothing else to drink then that's what I would have, or it's something I would go towards at about 2am after drinking alcohol for about 5 hours. I've recently been trying to drink around 6-8 bottles of diluted squash each day, some days I do really well, some days I can't keep up as I can be really busy and forget to have a drink, but not on purpose. Drink plenty of fluid is not only good for your body, but for your skin and helps with the bags under your eyes - which I am trying to get rid of. I read that your supposed to drink 2 glasses of water as soon as you walk up to help your body organs wake up better for the day, which I do try to do, but mostly fail at a least I'm being honest! I am trying really hard to drink a lot more though as I can see a difference in the way I feel when I keep up with it.

Isobel Celine
*Top - Dresslink | *Shorts - CN Direct | Bandana - eBay | Trainers - Nike

Do you have any tips on how to get more active? Let me know in the comments below!

Thanks for reading as always!

*Items marked with an asterisk(*) have been kindly gifted for reviewing purposes. All opinions are my own and honest. Please refer to my disclaimer for more information.*


  1. Great look!!! Kiss:))


  2. Great look and great ideas :)

  3. Thanks for the ideas. It is so important to stay active but sometimes it is hard.


    Lauren Letizio
    Blame it on Barneys

    1. Yeaa it can be difficult as sometimes you just want to chill out, due to being on the go all day.x

  4. Great tips lovely! I think planning fun days is my favourite way of being active x
