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Thursday 15 December 2016

Advice | How To Stay Motivated

Isobel Celine

Motivation used to come to me all the time, but lately not so much, so I'm pushing myself to become more motivated in life and not let myself slip so far behind, as that's just not who I am...

Isobel Celine
Isobel Celine

Having motivation to write a blog post can either come naturally to me as I'm in an inspirational mind-state or I've had an idea and it's motivated me to get some ideas together. It could be motivation to put my washing away - I used to think, I'll do it later and leave it for ages, but I don't now. I do it straight away as I push myself to do things and I feel better about it afterwards as I stayed motivated,

Isobel Celine
Isobel Celine

Going to events, I make myself motivated to get on that train, tube or bus and push myself to do it, as I know I have the courage and confidence inside to do this. I recently went through therapy sessions through phone calls with a stress, anxiety and depression therapist who was a massive help, but about a month ago I stopped them. You know why? Because I can beat anxiety and I know everything is going to be okay. So believe in yourself and believe you can do it!

Watching other people succeed in life makes me motivated too, to the point where I think, why don't I try to reach my goals more, as I know I can do this

Isobel Celine
Isobel Celine

Music can motivate me in the strangest of ways. Certain songs that have an inspirational tune or lyrics put me in the best moods and make me feel more determined and positive about doing things and I think about things in a more positive light. Music also makes me go into all sorts of different emotions, but mainly make me feel inspired..

Isobel Celine
Isobel Celine

I am honestly shocked at how far I've pushed myself in life and how much I've changed for the better, there's still things about myself that I need to work on, but that will all come with time. Nobodies perfect!

Isobel Celine
Isobel Celine
*Hoodie - Fashion Mia | Shorts - Charity Shop | Boots - H&M (linked similar) | Bag - Next (linked similar) | Cap - Primark

So guys and gals, how do you motivate yourselves? Push yourself to your limits and be confident, no one will ever know how scared you feel inside, so just do it!

*Items marked with an asterisk(*) have been kindly gifted for reviewing purposes. All opinions are my own, open and honest. For more information please refer to my disclaimer.* 


  1. You look stunning, love the over the knee boots!

  2. Lovely look and I love what you have written, can relate so much! :)

  3. In the year of 2017. People around me suddenly begin to hang out with short red dress .I'm feeling curious and suspicion at the moment:"Is this a thing now?"And here's my thoughts after research and the dress that I bought.

  4. I never thought about music as a motivator. Maybe I should try that one. I did always want to talk to someone about my anxieties and motivation too, it's always good to get professional help when you can and really need it!

    Cat |
