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Lifestyle | What Happened In March


I'm definitely loving this monthly recap series of mine! It's nice to reflect back on the months I've had and what memories were made during the month.

Firstly, I've been working the majority of this month to get enough money for my trip to Austria with my boyfriend, best friend and her boyfriend. Seriously excited for this! I'm also going to be vlogging my road trip there and creating a fair bit of content whilst I'm there! So expect to see my fashion section fill back up again! As well as more travel posts.

I got to spend a day shopping with my one of my best friend Stacie, who I need to see more of. We had a day filled with shopping in Primark, beauty shopping, especially in Chanel. I also had a lot of chilled out days, as I had a lot of work to do this month, especially preparing for Comic Con (my first ever one going with my boyfriend, even though that's where we met 2 years ago!). It's been quite a chilled month really when it came to going out and events etc. Just a lot of work involved!

Something really exciting (to me) got sorted, my bedroom finally got sorted and the way I've always wanted it. Thanks to IKEA having some brilliant furniture that suited my taste perfectly! I won't say too much, as when it's completely finished, there will be a room tour blog post, as well as a before & after video, which I'm really excited to edit once everything is finished! Just getting the finishing touches in, but the video won't be up until April/May, due to me wanting to buy a new TV as well, as the one I've got, I've had for years, and the screens not as good as I'd like it to be, with me playing on the Xbox & watching Netflix & YouTube on it a lot. Can't wait to get it finished and this video up though!

The main event out of the whole month was seeing Russell Howard with my best friend Stacie again, so it was nice to see her more than once this month! It was a brilliant show! He also pointed out some brilliant things we should not forget! Definitely get your hands on the DVD when it comes out - Russell Howard Live - Around The World. I'm sure it'll be out around December time, so perfect for Christmas, it's definitely on my wish list! I'm not to sure on the exact date as he didn't say during the show, but either way, it'll be out this year at some point!

During the same weekend, I attend one of Scarlett London's events called #BlogConLDN. One of THE best events I've attended so far! It was full of so many lovely bloggers, a fair few I've met before at other blogger events, which was really nice to be reunited with those lovely girls! As well as networking with so many new brands that I've heard of before and others I've never heard of, so it was brilliant to talk to them all and get to know more about their products and their benefits.

Again in the same weekend (Yep, it was one hell of a busy weekend! Not complaining though!), I attended Comic Con with my boyfriend and his friend, we, well, I bought a fair few bits from the convention, mainly for my brothers birthday but shh...I bought some chopsticks, as I love eating noodles a lot, especially the super noodles barbecue beef flavour, ugh...*spot on emoji right here*. Obsessed with them! Anyway, I felt so badass cosplaying my mash up of Harley Quinn. Along side my boyfriend who was cosplaying a sick, and I must say, hot Suicide Squad Joker. I have to take credit for his hair, and make up though hehee, but the rest was all him. Really proud of what he created though! I also met up with one of my old cosplay pals Cat who is in my vlog too. No idea what she was cosplaying though (sorry Cat!) as I'm not exactly a fan of anime or mange, it's just never been my sort of thing, but marvel and DC (mainly Marvel) has always been an interest to me! We were also involved in a Marvel Vs DC shoot, that would of been better if it was in a better location of the NEC and more well organised.

The last exciting thing of the entire month, was me and my boyfriends 1 Year Anniversary! It was so nice to have a night for just us, go out for Pizza at Pizza Hut, then headed over to the cinema (In reclining seats - GET IN!) to watch the new Logan film with a Pizza Hut waffle and ice cream and a Tango Ice Blast. Perfect! I actually had such a nice time, and it was really nice to go back to basics of what we used to love doing together.

I also took my mum out for a nice Italian for Mother's Day at the Sovrano Cafe in Coventry. I had a Chilli Con Carne (needed more spice for me to like it that bit more), and my Mum had a Lasagne and a Cappuccino. Can you tell we like Italian food in my family and also within my friendships? Pattern here...

That concludes this months recap! See you in the next one! Watch all my vlogs & videos from March here. Thanks for reading!


  1. Loved this post gal! Its nice to see what people get up to - I'm just nosey like that haha! I'm still so sad I couldn't go to BlogCon:(( Definitely need another brunch soon though xxx


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