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Advice | Let's Talk Periods - Fab Little Bag Review

Fab Little Bag

Let's talk about that time of the month us girls always hate. I don't normally talk about this subject on here, but why not? It's completely normal and everybody knows about it!

Fab Little Bag
Fab Little Bag

Pads. Tampons. Pantyliner's. Whatever you buy for yourself during your period always matters, as well as how you dispose of it. I always  head towards pads when it comes to my period, as let's be honest, shoving a cotton tube with a string hanging out never sounds pleasant, nor feels it! Nor does buying sanitary towels and tampons for your time of the month. Okay, now I know a lot of girls get embarrassed buying this type of stuff, but ask yourself, why should I? Everyone knows about them and it's not like it isn't normal. Even I don't get awkward about talking about periods or buying pads. I even that okay with taking pads to a checkout with a lad on the till! I couldn't give a shit hahaa! It's not like it's a secret, every girl goes through periods. Why should we be ashamed or embarrassed about buying something that will help with the bleeding once a month? 

Fab Little Bag
Fab Little Bag
Fab Little Bag

Anyway, moving on to disposing of your used period pads or tampons etc. Even though I don't use tampons myself (NO THANKS!), these nifty *Fab Little Bag's are perfect for when you have no way of disposing your used business and have no sanitary bin or any bin nearby. These are a great way of discreetly getting rid of your pads or tampons! You can even pop them open with one hand and also seal! You'd never guess a pad or tampon was in one of these honestly! I just roll up the pad, pop it in, seal it then throw it in the bin! Sorted! 

Fab Little Bag
Fab Little Bag

It's also better to use these bags at home, so when who ever cleans the bathroom bin out, doesn't have to suffer the horror of seeing used sanitary towels or tampons. Bonus, hahaa! You can get refill packs you can keep to store in your handbag or where ever you need to! The packaging is super cute and they are rather stylish for a sanitary towel/tampon disposer bag! I was quite impressed by these if I do say so myself! Definitely one to try out if you get embarrassed with putting used pads/tampons in your bin at home or in public.

Also a little bonus to these bags, is the fact that they are oxo-biodegradable (doesn't decompose as quickly as biodegradable bags but it's a start!) and made from 35% organic material! Definitely partially Eco friendly!

Fab Little Bag

So what are your thoughts on this handy idea? I keep a few in my bag for when it's my time of the month, as you never know when you might need one, or a friend might! Check out the Fab Little Bag website here to see what else they do!

*Fab Little Bag Starter Pack £3.99

*Items marked with an asterisk(*) have been kindly gifted for reviewing purposes. All opinions are my own, open and honest. For more information please refer to my disclaimer.* 

1 comment

  1. I've seen bags like these before but nowhere near this pretty! The packaging is so lovely and it's such a great idea. Gonna go and check this brand out! x



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