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Lifestyle | How To Stay Healthy Whilst At Home

Isobel Celine

How many times have you been opening the fridge door or the cupboards looking for food because your bored? Yes same I've been doing it too...whoops. But with that in mind, if your looking to keep it healthy, maybe start reaching for the healthy snacks. There's nothing wrong with a bit of cake, chocolate, sweet treats etc. As a cheat day is definitely needed sometimes, especially during the pandemic, we need something good to keep us going, whether it is indulging in food.

Isobel Celine
Isobel Celine

Meal Prep

I find this helps if you get the time, and right now we seem to have all the time in the world being at home. Prepping food for either the next day or even the week can be really helpful, especially with keeping to portion sizes. I like to use plastic tubs to store meals in so they can just be put in the microwave if they need to be warmed up, or stored in the fridge etc. I love to prep fruit and meals for the next day. A fruit box filled with different fruit, or whatever you have, or tinned fruit etc. We've still got to keep our fruit and veg intake up. As we don't want our vitamin levels to drop. So make sure your getting your fruit and veg included in your meals.

Healthy Snacks

When your bored and searching the cupboards for snacks, try and go towards the healthier snacks, like nuts, dried fruit, crackers, cheese, low fat crisps, fruit etc. Especially nuts and fruit as these can fill you up a lot better I've noticed, everyones different but they fill me up a fair bit. I've found that chocolate covered almonds are so nice but so filling at the same time! Definitely worth a shot.

Isobel Celine
Isobel Celine

Don't be tempted to order a takeaway

This is something that gets so tempting when your bored, it's so nice as a treat but can be rather unhealthy. Don't get me wrong, I love a good Indian or Pizza delivery but it has so much unhealthy stuff in it, like grease. Just resist is sis! You can do this!

Do Home Workouts

As we all know, the gyms are shut for the foreseeable, and as much as I hated going the gym sometimes, I really miss it. So home work outs, even if you have no equipment, it's doable! I've been loving workouts on Instagram, Youtube, especially by MadFit. Love her yoga sessions and workouts. I've also been using the Pure Gym app with the free virtual classes which are good for a quick 7 minute workout. It's especially nice to do these workouts outside in the sun we've been having recently.


I try and have a vitamin tablet that is full of vitamin C which is one you drop in a glass of water that you can get from Aldi. Multivitamin tablets are also good for you to take, but of course you can get all these types of vitamins through eating a healthy balanced diet, but multivitamins are a good idea, but of course consult with your doctor first to see if your okay to be taking these.

Hope you are all well and safe. Stay positive, safe and most of all stay home. Sending love!

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