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Lifestyle | Ones To Watch On Netflix During Lockdown

Albuferia Portugal

How are you? Honestly how are you coping with the lockdowns around the world? It's been lockdown here in the UK for 2 and a half weeks now when I'm writing this, and myself and Adam have been isolating ever since we got back from Portugal. So of course, we've watched a fair bit more of Netflix than normal, so for this post I'll be sharing the things I've been watching and ones I'm planning on watching. Please share in the comments what you have been too! I'm still undecided on whether to get Disney Plus or not so let me know if you have it and if it's worth getting.

The Watched List:

Sex Education

This series was HILARIOUS but also teaches you about all the different types of relationships that are about, like being pansexual, being gay etc. It's definitely a brilliant way of interpreting sex education into a funny show. Watch this one if you haven't already, one to watch if you have a sense of humour with these sorts of things.

The Stranger

My gosh was this a gripper! I heard about this series for ages and I was like, okay I need to watch this one. Adam was like hmm okay we'll give it a try, and he was more hooked than I was to watch it. We finished it in 2 days would you believe! It's such a good murder mystery series filled with cliff hangers the whole way through. You honestly could not guess how it would end, apart from Adam who guessed it on the second to last episode, typical. If you haven't thought about watching it you need to watch it, you will be hooked.

Truth Or Dare

At first when this started and the fact it was a horror film (Adam's choice of film), I was like GOD NO I DON'T DO HORRORS! He made me watch it (lol), and to be honest it was quite good. Some parts I couldn't watch though due to it being too graphic, but it's basically a bunch of young people on spring break and they meet someone else on spring break who takes them to a creepy old church where they are basically brought into a game of truth or dare and they are struck by a demon. I don't want to tell you the whole film but basically it goes round in circles of their turn until they die basically. But with the final few left they try and figure out how to get out of the game. And that's where you need to watch it to find out what happens. Sorry!

A Quiet Place

Another film that's a horror but I didn't realise it was one. There's hardly any talking in this, just sign language and subtitles. Hence why it's called a quiet place, if they talk they are dead. The world has been taken over by blind aliens who eat people who make a noise basically. The film is filled with different emotions and makes you so tense for the characters involved. If your into a sci-fi horror, this ones for you.

6 Underground

Action packed, full of humour and best of all Ryan Reynolds. Any film that has him in I am sold. As soon as the filmed started we knew it was going to be a good one. We always google the people who are in the film and how much it costs to make it, and this one cost £150m to make! The amount of car smashes, crashed and action involved is insane. It was more action packed than Avengers. I blooming LOVED this film. The amount of humour and sarcasm in it too is just brilliant.

The Platform

Such a strange film. Basically this guy volunteers to go into this 'institution' and supposedly gets a degree at the end. But it's not what he expects when he wakes up on a block of hundreds of platforms with a stranger, that changes every time their cell partner dies or starves of hunger. It's a really odd one that's for sure. Have a look at it when your on Netflix next to see if it interests you.

On my Watch List:

Money Heist

I've seen people talk about this series EVERYWHERE. I have no clue what it's about but I am going to start watching this sooner or later.

Tiger King

Another series I've heard about, but I'm not sure about whether to watch it, but it's on my watch list just incase I decide that I want to watch it.


I've seen a lot of people talking about this, yet again got no clue what this about but I'm intrigued to watch it!

Love Is Blind

Ever since Love Island finished I've wanted to watch this. I love a good romance, even if it is a bit of a weird set up haha.

The Crown

My mum watched this entire series when it came out and I watched parts of it and it intrigued me, so I definitely want to watch the whole series myself. Love anything like this. Yet I've never watched Downton Abbey whoops...

RuPaul Drag Race

I would love to watch this, as I want to see more drag queen things like this as you don't exactly see them out and about very often where I live so I'm looking forward to watching it as it intrigues me!

What have you been watching recently?

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