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Monday 8 March 2021

Lifestyle | What's On My Reading List For 2021

2021 is in full swing, we are still in lockdown in the UK & with more time on our hands reading is a brilliant escapism for these worrying times. I've got a big pile of books waiting to be read and I've added to the I've bought 'The Secret' book that I've wanted for years! As I'm into manifesting & learning about the law of attraction, so I wanted to give this book a try. I have so many motivational and mindset kind of books, like the Sarah Knight books which I'm dying to read. I have many fiction books as well that I want to dive into. 

I've read only one book so far in 2021 and I read only 3 in 2020 (better than usual for me). My goal I make every year is to read more, but I have to be in a quiet place to read as other wise I can't concentrate reading, so 2021 I wanted to read 1 book a month but that's not going overly well so far so I'm just going with the flow and read when I feel like it. Also, it feels so good to be writing again as if your a long term reader of my blog, you will know I used to post twice a week and now it's turned into the odd post here and there. But I want to post more casually now and post what and when I feel like it. So let's dive into what I plan to read and what I've already read.

The Flatshare by Beth O'Leary

I finally finished this at the start of February. It was such a good book that gave me so many emotions. If you haven't read this and looking to, then don't read the next few sentences. The Flatshare is about a girl who went through an abusive controlling relationship and moved out and shared a flat with another man with an agreement that they wouldn't be in flat at the same time ever. And of course in the end they meet and fall in love and go on this crazy love story together. Worth a read if you like the sound of it!

Failosophy by Elizabeth Day

I'd never heard of this book until my friend Louna (@BurstOfAutumn) got me it for Christmas. I'm looking forward to reading this, especially if I'm in a sad mood or feeling down, it'll be a good pick me up book. 

Where The Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens

I've seen this book ALL over instagram during 2020 and I just had to know what it was about. Apparently its a hard book to get into but worth it once your into it. I know you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but the cover is so pretty!

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

If your into manifestation or the law of attraction, this is the book for you. I'm currently reading this and I'm hooked learning about the ways of how the law of attraction works. It's actually really changed my mindset and helped me through difficult days where my head is full of negative thoughts and turning them into positive ones. I'd highly recommend this book and I haven't even finished it yet.

Conversation With Friends by Sally Rooney

Sally Rooney has to be one of my favourite authors, as I read the book which was before this one called Normal People and it had me hooked and I loved the book. The way she writes really draws the reader in and really paints a picture of what she is trying to express. I can't wait to read this book, I also love how it's not too thick so it won't take me forever to get through like some books.

The Duke & I - Bridgerton by Julia Quinn

Adam kindly got me this book for Valentine's Day which I honestly wasn't expecting. But he knew how much I adored watching the Bridgeton series, so the book I am most intrigued about. I was SO obsessed with the Bridgerton series that I finished watching it in 2 days. I've even bought a corset as I just adored how they were dressed in that era. I've also become more interested in period dramas since watching the series.

I have so many other books lined up to read, but this is just the start of the pile I want to get through. As I am the slowest reader going honestly...It sometimes takes me 6 months to get through a book, but I'm trying to get myself to read more before I go to bed, doesn't always work, but I find reading in bed or in the bath, or with headphones on playing relaxing meditation music really helps me to read and concentrate on the book and not get distracted by anything else.

What books have you read so far or got lined up for 2021?

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