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Food | Slow Cooker Vegan Protein Fudge Recipe

Slow Cooker Vegan Protein Fudge Recipe

A recipe that will change your whole slow cooker game. I've always known a slow cooker to make savoury meals, but never have I experimented & made a sweet treat with one. So here is a stunning high protein vegan fudge recipe that will blow up your taste buds.

Slow Cooker Vegan Protein Fudge Recipe


370g Vegan Tinned Condensed Milk
200g Biscuit Spread
400g MyVegan Sea Salt Protein Chocolate
1 Scoop MyVegan Speculoos Soy Isolate
2 Biscoff Biscuits

Makes 34 squares:
2.5g Protein
15.2g Carbs
136 Calories

How to make:
1. Turn the slow cooker on high
2. Pour in the condensed milk
3. Break up all the chocolate & add in
4. Add in the biscuit spread
5. Mix & leave on high heat for 1 hour
6. Once all melted & mixed through, add in the speculoos soy isolate
7. Pour the mix into a square greaseproof paper lined tin
8. Top with broken biscoff biscuits
9. Refrigerate for 3 hours
10. Cut up into squares


Use my code ISOBELCELINE for 37% off MyVegan. Let me know if you make this recipe & tag me over on instagram @isobelceline. Also follow me on TikTok, Instagram & YouTube all @isobelceline for more recipes, through quick & easy videos.

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