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Lifestyle | New Year Goals 2024

New Year Goals 2024

Hello 2024! I love the start of a fresh new year. As much as any day you can start a fresh and change your life. There's something about a brand new year that helps to leave the previous year behind and start a new. I'm actually super excited for 2024 as I have some big plans in the works, especially when it comes to travelling. 2024 is definitely going to be the year where I travel as much as possible. So lets dive right in to see what goals I've set for 2024.

Travel as much as possible

As you can see by my vision board for this year, there are a lot of different locations. I can't say I'll be able to afford to do them all, but I'll be trying my best to make the majority of them happen. A few main ones being a safari in South Africa, road trip in America from Las Vegas through Route 66 to LA. That is an absolute dream, especially in a Mustang. Always got to dream big in my eyes and make it happen!

I also would like to visit Paris, Rome, Venice, Santorini, Ireland (road trip pending!), New York at Christmas, Australia and Bali as well but those two are more for 2025 as we aren't sure if that will be possible for this year. There's also a few places in the UK I'd like to visit like, Norwich, the Lake District, Peak District, Newcastle, Leeds and Kent. So I definitely will be cutting down on buying things I really don't need and saving the money for all the travelling. As you can always buy things, but you can never buy back time, and you don't know how much time you have in life, so live it to the fullest, and by that, I want to see as much of the world as possible.

Continue to grow on socials

This year I finally made some growth and properly dived right into being more and more consistent with my YouTube and Instagram. I've grown from around 6K on Instagram to just shy of 8.5K at the time of writing this. YouTube I have seen a steady and lovely growth of our little community on there, and at the time of writing this we are on 1.83K. Which is so incredible, as I remember a few years back one of my goals was to reach 1K subscribers and here we are super close to reaching 2K and being monetised! Couldn't be more grateful and proud of my little YouTube channel (Isobel Celine). So 2024 I want to continue being consistent with building my socials, staying consistent and pushing out bigger and better content. As well as reach 10K on Instagram as I've always wanted to reach!

Continue daily habits

By this I mean continuing the habits I stayed consistent with throughout 2023. In regards to; staying hydrated, keeping up with 4 workouts a week at the gym, eating healthy and maybe starting to eat less processed foods, reading books (I have 19 books on my bookshelf left to read so I'd like to read them in 2024 or more), not buy as many clothes, shop on Vinted. I've actually been really good at keeping these habits up in 2023. Especially with the gym, as I crave to be at the gym daily and moving my body. I don't go to the gym to tone up or anything of the sort, I go for my mental state, keep my body moving and it genuinely makes me happy being there.

Focus on self growth

2023 was a year of major healing and growing within myself. Realising what I actually really liked in life. I realised how much I enjoy gardening, how it gets me away from screens, occupies my brain in a good way, gets me out in the fresh air and is actually a really rewarding hobby watching what you planted grow. I also read so many self help books in 2023 that really supported my mindset and how I look and perceive things. My mindset has changed for the better, as much as 2023 was a very challenging year mentally and emotionally, I wouldn't change it, as otherwise I wouldn't of learnt so many life lessons, learnt so many things about myself and so much more. I realise what my personal style really is, country chic, lady like and elegant style. I adore the country side, baking, gardening, creating content, exercising, enjoying time to myself and my own company. So for the difficulties I faced in 2023, I am grateful for, as it's made me who I am going into 2024.

Getting fresh air more

I love a countryside walk and just a walk in general in the fresh air. The reason I've put this as a goal is, because I work in an office, with not the safest surroundings, I don't get to go outside for a walk at all, so I want to make the conscious effort to go for a walk more, get outside and breathe in the fresh air. Whether that be just standing outside for a few minutes every so often, or a brisk walk after work to get my steps in and legs moving after a day at my desk.

Educate myself more

Now what I mean by this is, learn as much as I can in any opportunity that comes my way. I want to extend my vocabulary better and speak properly. Educate myself on life in general. I'm currently reading a book called Animalkind which is a book all about different animals, which actually reminds me very much so of the David Attenborough series Planet Earth. Such an educational book. Podcasts are also something I want to listen to more on my journeys, as there are a lot of podcasts out there that are so educational in different aspects and industries.

Set up a new blog template

My blog has been going for almost 10 years (May 2014), I first started it when I was 16 to share about all the bargain clothes I used to buy. It was made using just a standard blogger template, but I changed to one from Etsy and then many years later turned to this current one also from Etsy. As much as this current blog template is simplistic, I want to give it a face lift, as since I've taken on YouTube more and more these past couple of years, my blog has taken more of a back seat, and I don't want that to be the case. I used to post a blog post on here twice a week every single week when I did it all the time. Now a days, it barely sees one a month. So 2024 I want to give more love to my blog and do even more posts, whether that be travel guides, restaurant reviews, recipes etc. I always want to keep this blog going where I can. Also, thank you for always supporting my blog if you are a long term reader, thank you for being here!

Those are my main goals for 2024, I have a couple of more personal goals that I of course won't be sharing, but I hope that I can achieve the majority of them, if not all of them. The main one I will be focusing on is travelling as much as possible and staying consistent with my social content and platforms. Which you can follow me on YouTube for more real life vlogs, Instagram for all my fashion content and Tik Tok for all the mixed type of content that doesn't make it to my other channels.

What are your 2024 goals?

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